Causes of back pain in the lumbar region

Back pain can appear not only women in adulthood, but very often young people. You can wear a sweater or aching in nature, amplified when mobility and slopes. The reasons of dense, painful low back pain in women, pain may be a manifestation of a kind of disease, and can be triggered absolutely by other factors.

A pain annoying to explain

Disease back pain most common cause of back pain in the lumbar region

When the back pain is only logical, in the first place to reflect on the state of the joints and spine.


Bone density determines their strength. After 30 years it is reduced, which is associated with the hormonal changes in the female body, and metabolic disorders. That's why this phenomenon among women are 5 times greater than that of the male population.

In osteoporosis, the bone tissue becomes porous and fragile. There is a high risk of serious fractures even in slight decline, in which a man of advanced age can be confined to bed.

In older people the bone density decreases usually because of calcium deficiency and the lack of hormones in senile osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis. One of the most common signs of the disease is pain in the lumbar area. It is also possible to the curvature of the spine, the deterioration of the posture. Is detected, the disease is usually during the access of the patient to the doctor about the fractures. If there is more than two fractures in a row – then, the probability of the presence of osteoporosis.

In advance to the women after 45-50 years it is recommended to perform the evaluation of bone density – research, defines the mass, and bone mineral density.

When the therapy of osteoporosis apply supplements of calcium and vitamin D, which helps to digest the calcium in the body. Also a proper diet, mode of feeding and motor activity.


The defeat of the joints with the damage of cartilage called osteoarthritis. The disease progresses gradually gaining chronic. Destruction of the cartilage, irreversible, and leads to the deformation of all the elements of the joint - arthrosis.

If the pathological process occurs in the lumbosacral area, the call are spondylo-arthrosis. The edges of the affected joints form bone outgrowths that act on the many nerve endings in the lower back. As A result of the pain syndrome can develop in such a way that the person loses the ability to work and forced to stay on disability until the end of life.

In women the disease occurs because of external and internal factors:

Excess weight
  • joint injuries;
  • the excess of the load during sports activities or professional;
  • excess weight increases the load on the joints;
  • the hormonal changes;
  • disorders of the metabolism.

Risk factors refers to, and hereditary predisposition. Also the probability of deformation of the joints increases with age.

In women after the age of 50 is a factor combined with the menopause, which aggravates the degenerative processes in bone tissue. If the reason is installed, the arthritis is considered to be secondary. If the source is not clear why, call it the primary.

Why retrieve the shattered cartilage, and pay to structural changes in the joints without operations, conservative treatment with osteoarthritis aims to reduce the workload and the regulation of metabolic processes in bone tissue.

You need to get rid of excess weight, avoid lifting heavy loads in the acute phase of the disease, comply with semi bed rest. Apply pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medications.


Arthritis are called inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis is very similar to the symptoms, the mechanisms of development and reasons of the occur with osteoarthritis. The difference is in the degree of severity of the inflammation. For arthritis pain initially comes from inflammation of the joint, and already at the end of the time in the chronic form progresses, deformation, wear and tear of the cartilage, immobility of the joints.

The inflammation often leads the character of the acute, which is manifested as a consequence of trigger factors (hypothermia, move weights, SARS). Relieve the inflammation and relieve the condition help ointments and gels, reduction of work load and activities for the period of the aggravation.

Low back pain

Regular back pain can be the consequence of the degeneration of the intervertebral discs – degenerative disc disease. When lumbar osteochondrosis flat and depleted disks constrict the blood vessels and nerve endings of the lumbar spine.

Together with the limitation of mobility of the back in women you may experience other symptoms and complicationsrelated to the violation of circulation:

  • crash of the menstrual cycle;
  • irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • worsening of varicose veins;
  • wave of cold, a tingling sensation and goose bumps in the lower limbs;
  • sleep disorders, fatigue;
  • violation of the functioning of the genitourinary system.
Sleep disorders

If you suspect the low back pain to clarify the diagnosis, prescribe an x-ray or lumbar ct scan. If the disease is revealed, to determine the cause. They are the same, and osteoarthritis.

Launched the the disease leads to destruction of the vertebrae, the process becomes chronic and irreversible. Stop the progression of the disease and reduce pain, as well as the standard functionalities of a special help from orthopaedic corsets with rigid insert in.


A frequent complication of degenerative disc disease is the inflammation of the bundles of nerve fibers between the vertebrae – sciatica.

Sciatica may appear and for other reasons:

  • sedentary life-style;
  • intense sports training;
  • strong stress;
  • infections.

The pain in this disease is sudden, is enriched with the change of position, sneezing, coughing. This disease can manifest itself in the course of the whole life. The medical therapy-significant effect does not give, then, women most often turn to folk remedies: steam, warm compresses and polishing, wool belt, infusions of herbs.

Hernia of the intervertebral discs

The back pain can be the result of herniated discs, when occurs the rupture of a disc between the vertebrae, and choke their nerve roots. The appearance of hernias lead to curvature of the spine, back pain, trauma, tumors, tuberculosis.

In the initial phase – in a matter of a few years the pain can be stupid and calm down in the supine position. The increase of the hernia, the pain changes – it becomes shooting and pains, extending to the pelvis and lower limbs. Because of a constant pain you the muscles contract, is discovered not fully straighten, spread back inclination, incurvation of the back.

If you don't pay attention to a hernia of the intervertebral discs and to boot, she is able to lead to death of the spinal cord and paralysis.

As A result of all these diseases back can occur back pain lumbar spine – low back pain. It is a painful syndrome that lasts for a couple of weeks, leading to disability.

Diseases of the internal organs of the genitourinary system

Loin can to do evil not only because of problems with the joints and the spine. In the lumbar region of the kidneys, and then the inflammatory processes that occur in them and in the urinary tract, which can give back pain. Usually this happens when pyelonephritis and aggravation of kidney stones and is characterized by a dull pain.

Among the rare causes of pain, but still present, is note: acute pancreatitis, aortic aneurysm.

Gynecologic back pain manifests itself for the endometriosis is the inflammation of the lining of the uterus. This disease can also be accompanied by a violation of the cycle, discharge, bleeding, pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

For these reasons, the treatment is aimed not at the lumbar region, and on the specific organthat gives pain the effect.

Physiological causes

Not necessarily back pain occur as a consequence of pathological processes. Women so manifest and physiological changes in the body.


During pregnancy you experience of midwives and their causes of back pain:

  • hormonal changes;
  • the divergence of the bones pubic symphysis;
  • threat of abortion;
  • the increase of body weight;
  • the pressure of the uterus on the nerve endings of the spinal column;
  • contractions of braxton;
  • the beginning of birth.

You need to in the future and, subsequently, a nursing mother to fill the deficit of micronutrients and the nutrients, which depends on the state of the musculoskeletal system.


The back pain during menstruation is a natural phenomenon. On of them has an effect of hormonal restructuring of the body. Before the appearance of critical days, the loins may get sick because of accumulation of fluid in the tissues and the formation of edema.

Great chest

Someone seems a gift of nature, and for some it is a source of problems. The chest of the fourth and higher dimensions has a considerable weight.

To keep her, while in a vertical position, the spine, the ligaments and the back muscles are constantly tense. This "exercise" is not all that useful, you create an unusual load on the joints, because it can develop the disease and on the back listed above.

Great chest

Excess weight

Excess body weight is a great test for the spine and other bones. She has a negative influence on the state of the cartilage and the health of the intervertebral discs. In obese women there is always a chronic joint disease, and sometimes a "bouquet". With weight loss start the treatment of osteoarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica.


Menopause plays a huge role in the degree of joint. The women, who at this point already accumulated disease of the back, they have worsened. Who has been able to avoid problems with the joints in youth, in old age must necessarily with their face.

Estrogen and progesterone are the main female hormones. During the menopause the production is greatly reduced, it is rebuilt the work of the whole body. In fact, the sex hormones have an influence not only in germ organs. Estrogen, for example, is involved in the regulation of the nervous system, affect the state of the skin, breast, bones.

Internal causes, because the back pain in women

The reasonsfor which hurts the lower back, are:

  • prolonged sitting in front of the computer or tv;
  • moving heavy objects;
  • air currents, hypothermia;
  • work on tilt in the garden;
  • the physical activity;
  • sedentary life-style.

It is surprising that the back pain equally discomfort as lazy and useless people active. The girl, who is scheduled for fitness results and not lift off from the gym, perhaps with surprise, that in a moment to find out that you have low back pain. As trippone eating cakes, sitting all day in front of the tv.

The wrong seat

By the way, on the back seat, it is not only important as you're sitting down, but still and as. Still in school, we all learn to respect an upright posture. This is of great importance for the prevention of diseases of the back, including the curvature of the spine. Also the upright ensures the normal flow of blood and the nutrition of the bones, which activate the metabolic processes, cell renewal, to maintain long youth and health.


The cold can cause inflammation such as the joints and internal organs – the kidney, uterus. The deterioration may go into a chronic disease. Therefore, mothers are always teaching daughters protected from air currents, wind, cold, and not to sit on cold surfaces.

High heel

High heel

The beauty requires sacrifice, but a sacrifice to wear the heel can be higher. Her fingers, heel spur, and, of course, problems with the spinal column – here that expects to fashion and the fashion girls high heels.

The constant wear high heels, and as a result, wear uncomfortable shoes , causes a deformation of the ankle joints and the price foot. The result is that when you walk load poorly distributed throughout the skeleton, including the spine.

Lifting, carrying heavy loads

In the back , you can easily in the event of the removal or of repair, helping the husband move heavy furniture and bags with stucco. Women rarely love themselves, and consequently suffer from health.

When you lift weights, distortion occurs in the back. Acute pain may occur due to the current of some disease, chronic back pain, exacerbation of which has resulted in a large workload.

Moderate physical activity, walking outdoors, swimming, the correct mode of work and rest will help you eliminate the negative factors and prevent back pain.